Is Using an Auto Broker best for me?

Is Using an Auto Broker best for me?

Times have changed since the old days of walking to your local dealership and talking to a salesman to buy a car.  With the advancement of technology, we can now pretty much do all our research and questioning from the comfort of your home.  But does that mean, it’s best to do it all yourself?  That’s a question that will differ person to person.

What we want you to consider, is hiring a broker worth your while?  This will all depend on your situation, your wants and needs.  Lets break it down.

What does a broker actually do?

An auto broker essentially does everything for you.  From finding your exact desired car, negotiates and sometimes now delivers the car to your door so you don’t even step foot in the dealership.  It is an easy alternative for the busy person who doesn’t have the time to research and negotiate him or herself.  Often times negotiating can be intimidating, this is great to have a professional do it for you and walk you through the buying process. But is it worth it?

Not every time, but most times, the auto broker uses his experience and network to his advantage; the more experience and relationships in the industry, gives that broker the edge to get you the best deal possible (that’s what most people’s top priority). Them having these relationships in the industry, stores will give them special deals they wouldn’t do to the normal person.  Essentially, the service should pay for itself, plus save you money.

Can you do it yourself?

Absolutely, you can do it yourself.  It’s not rocket science and there is a ton of data to research online prices and websites like TruCar.  What we can tell you is, just like selling your car and finding a house to rent or buy, it can be a real hassle.  It’s also possible you just want to be involved and go to the store and get the “experience.”  That “experience” is dying as technology and services are dramatically improving offering more convenience.

What we highly recommend, is if you know a family or friend that you trust in the industry, use them as a point of reference.  A trusted friend or relative won’t push you to make a sale, more than likely they will give you honest feedback and have your best interest first.

Can you succeed to beat the price a broker can get you? Of course it’s possible.  But is that extra energy of negotiating and the back and forth worth it?  Maybe you like the negotiating and being “in control” of your deal.  It’s for you to decide.

We all buy a handful of cars in our lifetime. You can do everything on your own if you choose to. Know it takes energy, and you can save money.

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